Revealing the Son

By: Jim O'Brien 

Hi Friend,

Prophetic types of future personalities and events fill the Bible. One of the most fascinating, and one which may apply to a time shortly before us, is the life of Joseph. Joseph was one of the twelve sons of Jacob. Jacob whose name was changed to Israel became known as the father of Israelite nations.

Joseph was the special son of Jacob. Rachel, his mother, died giving birth to his younger brother Benjamin, so both boys grew up without their biological mother. As Rachel was the wife Jacob loved most, the two sons, Joseph and Benjamin, became his favorite sons. Jacob’s unabashed partiality caused the other ten brothers to be jealous.

The envy that simmered for years eventually boiled to the surface with such hatred that the brothers of Joseph decided to murder him. As events unfolded, the siblings chose not to kill Joseph but sold him to slave traders, who in turn sold him to an Egyptian officer. If circumstances could be worse, a false accusation was made against Joseph by a politically protected, deep-state-type person which landed him in prison. He was there for over a decade until God performed a miracle that resulted in Joseph being put in the position of Prime Minister of Egypt, second only to the king, in the most powerful nation in the world.

The catalyst that brought Joseph before Pharaoh was a perplexing dream. Because Pharaoh’s chief cupbearer had relayed the story of Joseph’s ability to interpret dreams, whereas Pharaoh’s magicians could not, desperate to find meaning, Pharaoh called for Joseph. Upon telling Joseph his dream, Pharaoh asked for its interpretation. "I cannot do it," Joseph replied to Pharaoh, "but God will give Pharaoh the answer he desires." (Genesis 41:16). Thus, the prophecy of the coming famine was revealed to the king.

Political life being what it was, there were few people Pharaoh could trust. But he could trust Joseph, a slave in whom no guile was found, to guide the nation through a devastating famine. Thus, Joseph became the savior of Egypt, the savior of his brothers, and the savior of the civilized world.

Eventually, Joseph’s brothers—the ones who thought they had killed him, came to the Prime Minister of Egypt—Joseph, to ask for food.

The brothers did not recognize Joseph, whom they hadn’t seen in two decades, now arrayed in majestic apparel. The story’s central event is an emotional setting where Joseph stands before his throne with his brothers before him facing judgment for a capital crime—with Joseph as judge, just as Joseph’s dream foretold. In a touching moment, Joseph commands the court servants to leave the room so he can confront his brothers alone. He exclaims to his frightened brothers, "I am Joseph!" as he opens his robe to reveal that he is a circumcised Israelite, like the other sons of Jacob.

It doesn’t take much spiritual understanding to recognize the parallel circumstances of the lives of Joseph and Jesus. Jesus was a Jew, a physical descendant of Jacob. Jesus existed in the third heaven before His human birth, where he was the favored son and the only son of His Father. He gave up His protected place to become a slave. Jesus was rejected by His brothers and suffered for our salvation.

The Apostle Paul says that Jesus "made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bond-servant, (a slave) …being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death…therefore God has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow…." (Philippians 2:9-10).

Jesus was the favored son of God, the Father, who became a slave to save mankind. His brothers (The Jewish Leadership) murdered Him, yet mankind comes to trust Jesus. Eventually, the very brothers who murdered Jesus will stand before Him in a courtroom where He will reveal that He is their brother sent to save the world.

It is a prophetic type of a time in the future when Jesus will reveal to His brothers, the Jews, that He is the One they handed over to Pilate to be killed.

Jesus, the only begotten Son of God—like Joseph, had a special relationship with His Father that incited jealousy from the covering cherub, Lucifer, who then sought to kill Jesus when He was a baby.

Passover is symbolic of the sacrificial lamb offered for the sins of the world. As the brothers of Joseph developed an unreasonable hatred for their sibling whom their father loved, the world is currently witnessing an unbelievable hatred for the Jews that can only be described as Satanic. The same being that sent an army after the Messiah, attempting to exterminate Him, is now sending an army after the Jews to exterminate them. The Jews still need a savior—but so does the rest of the world. The same enemy of the Jews is the enemy of Christians. Thank God the Passover Lamb is willing to save us.

Until next time,

Jim O’Brien

December 1, 2023

Pastor, Church of God Cincinnati

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